Theory: Lyrium is a Silver Cord
Lyrium is the king of metals. Beneath our feet, it sings. When properly refined, it is a smooth, slightly iridescent, silvery liquid. In the hands of the dwarven Smith Caste, it is mixed with steel to produce indestructible armor and blades that hold an edge for centuries. In the hands of the Shaperate, it becomes a repository for living memories. And some scholars maintain this as evidence that lyrium is, itself, alive.
— Dragon Age 2: Lyrium
Lyrium, the essential rare substance that Dragon Age revolves around on. A piece of this could bring the opportunity to visit the Fade, to withstand magic, or control it. Hello Thedosians and welcome back to my channel. Today we are talking about a theory that I was studying for quite a long time. It was originally sprouted from a Reddit post, so I do give my credit to Reddit user eravas, for bringing this theory into the light.
At our very essence into mind, body, and spirit, there is a connection to all of them. In Dragon Age, that is no different. We know that spirits are heavily implemented in the lore within Thedas and even more so as probably a core of the establishment of how Thedas was created. Spirits are the Maker's first Creation, and therefore, Thedosian history applies to the spirit.
Threnodies sets the history of the world in the center of an ongoing mystical battle over existence itself. The early stanzas describe the creation of the Fade and the world and set up a conflict between the Maker and His children that leads into the First Sin and eventually the origin of the Blight.
— World of Thedas, Vol. 2
In early Biblical references, the mind, body, and spirit were split into the interpretation of the bowl, the fountain, the broken pitcher and the silver cord.
"Or even the silver cord be loosed,
Or the golden bowl be broken,
Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain,
Or the wheel broken at the cistern."
— Ecc. 12:6
As for this reference, we see a small correlation to many texts throughout Thedas mentioning the spirit and body are aligned. Which I will get into further detail now:
There is a side quest in Origins called Watchgaurd of the Reaching, and in those texts to find these codices, we see a connection to the ritual as spoken in Ecclesiastes.
Theologian perspective of a Golden Bowl in Biblical texts represents the pituitary, pineal, cerebellum. If simply put, this represents hearing the Voice of God within yourself.
Much to credit in Ecclesiastes, this is a part of the Holy Spirit working within mind, body, spirit. The Golden Bowl is closely related to the pituitary gland of changing the mind into a like-minded state.
In Dragon Age, this comes close to the side quest in discovering the texts of Magi in the Circle:
"The vessel in hand, words from another time drip literal power. (Put on bowl!) "
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
To briefly explain, a Mage wanted to uncover the augmentation of those failing to 'Reach', if I stand corrected, I'm guessing this implements to reaching the deepest parts of the Fade, or even the Black City, in which, we know is nearly impossible without a certain mindset or tools:
"Epiphany requires a mind smooth as mirror glass, still as stone. Put aside ten years for practice, and the next hundred for searching. What others have learned will ease your journey. Those who never manifested outside the Fade will find it easier to find its stillest roots, but it is rare the compulsion overtakes our brethren of the air."
— Vir Dirthara: The Deepest Fade
We now enter into the reason behind the 'bowl', this is a mindset that allows one to essentially 'put on' to require a 'Reaching'. And as for failure, it is more likely than the opposite, this is a risky ritual, requiring more than the average, this ritual was most likely in between pre-Andrastian times.
In another Biblical reference, Revelation mentions the golden bowl of manna, the golden bowl of manna was kept in the ark of the covenant. This manna never spoiled, representing the incorruptible characteristic of immortal life.
..To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna..."
Revelation 2:17
Like in the 'reaching' ritual, those who seem to want to reach the Golden City could have been granted the lives of Gods, and what is a God if they are not immortal...
The Fountain:
This is where we get deeper, again, in the Bible, the fountain has a representation of God's Cosmic Fountain that is overflowing with truth:
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
— Psalm 23:5
The Chant of Light mentions the Maker as 'The Wellspring of All', who relates very closely to the representation of a fountain:
The Wellspring of All said, "None now remember.
Long have they turned idols and tales
Away from My Light, in darkness unbroken
The last of My children, shrouded in night."
— Andraste 1:9
The fountain, or the Wellspring, the other connection is Lyrium. In the Descent DLC, the location that is inside the Titan is in fact, called the Wellspring. As for the Circle of Magi, this fountain was unheard of, only voices within themselves:
"Today we passed even further, far beyond any reach of man. The inverted glow of the Black City was always on the horizon of perception, but a path eludes, as always. Untraveled in memory, living or otherwise, there is a pull, and whispers abound."
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
Broken Pitcher:
This reference from Ecclesiastes mostly represents the present state of Thedas. Thedas is a broken pitcher, its very essence is broken. Therefore, we can assume, that the "Reaching" ritual is only to near impossible without consequences.
For instance, the first to breach the City post-veil are doomed, they are broken, they are no longer are themselves. And so were the Watchmen of the Reaching:
"What returned was not of the mortal, nor native Fade. Does an afterthought prove the gods when direct action is long missing? There is no purpose to this beast. Let the strength of the tower wither it and memory pass. The only legacy to be taught: Stay focused with the Fade. Whims escape to their own action."
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
The imprisoned being, was called Shah Wyrd (lit: "King Fate", the fate of kings, king of fate?) appears to have been formed by the "distractions" that powerful beings had left behind at this place. Therefore, we can only assume that these beings are or are before the time of the Magisters who breached the Black City. They began to 'reach' to the highest parts of the Fade, but with a broken world/pitcher, this only ends in their endless demise...
Silver Cord:
After explaining the tools that surround the very essence of the bowl, the fountain, and the broken pitcher, we now need to understand the important part: the silver cord.
So again, in Theology, or even in spiritual traditions; The silver cord is an energetic umbilicus connecting both the physical and spiritual bodies. It stays intact for the duration of a person's physical life.
As for beings in Thedas, this is absolutely true, the silver cord exists, it is a cord that aligns the mind, body, and spirit to one who visits the Fade.
The reason why this important is because this could be a term used for one spiritually being in the Fade versus not. I can only imagine Dreamers are aligned and accustomed to this very nature, which is why our lovely egg decided to study on it as well...
On Silver Cords by First Enchanter Irving
— Note: Request for Resources on the Fade
This concludes my suspicion to become even more inclined as to what our Fade expert really wants to know, whereas, we know that this is shown within the Reaching for one to actually reach the Fade by cutting this very cord:
A sword raised, to sever connection. (Cord cut!)
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
Therefore, it is very precious to have this every essence within the body, as it connects us to our bodies. It makes us intact, and to 'Reach' far beyond the etches of the Fade, one must sever the connection on themselves, making them become formless and monstrous:
His silver cord transmuted black. Black! There is no wonder his form shattered...
Cord? Peasant magic! Must know. Can almost see. Whispers want!
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
However, we could assume that like the body, Thedas is no different, Thedas in itself, thrives off of blood. We know from Yavana that the blood of the Dragon is the blood of the world. And I see the Pillars of the Earth no different.
As we know in the Fade, lyrium exists all around there, this makes it easier for one's connection in the Fade, or worse, therefore, the Titans have a play in the Fade too.
The Titan's blood is Lyrium, and in it's pure form, it is a silver substance, and that could be the cord of Thedas and the Fade itself.
"The stone, still there, silent and reaching up for the blood that walks. No dreams with the cord cut. You sell it."
— Cole, to Dwarf Inquisitor
In the Reaching, we see that the cord is cut when the sword was raised. This very sword is a close representation of the Veil:
-The vessel in hand, words from another time drip literal power. (Put on bowl!) -A sword raised, to sever connection. (Cord cut!) -A sword lowered, to strike through and ground. (Bile!) -The threads placed before a warrior, spear raised. Shielded from each side, so whispers are known false. (Where is this? It whispered order, but not where! It's in my head!)
— Codex entry: Watchgaurd of the Reaching
This very sword is mentioned in Merril's story of the Dread Wolf:
'A blade that would end the war.' — Merrill
To conclude, we can assume that this silver cord is a part of lyrium within bodies and the pillars of Thedas holding together, and that very essence has been cut by the Veil and can be cut when one reaches the deepest parts of the Fade.
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