Hello Thedosians and welcome back to my channel! EA Play and E3 are coming up, and I know every Dragon Age fan is wondering about Dragon Age 4. So why not make a video preparing ourselves on what we are about to see. Even if we don't see anything (which I highly doubt), it's always good to grab on some discussion on the next game and where we are heading for the future in the franchise.
The first one that comes to mind after Trespasser will be about specific locations, where are we going? Well, most might answer for Tevinter, but let's also discuss the potential of other locations as well...
What will we expect?
Religion -
Chantry: Tevinter is known for their gender flipped Chantry. Instead of women being the Divine, it is apparently represented in the Tevinter location that men are the Divine.
I'm guessing something to do with obviously the Divine, if we are within the Inquisition, we could be potentially linking with the Black Divine as well. Is this group corrupt? What views of Andraste do they have?
For instance, Andraste in Tevinter was depicted as a mage, and magic rules over man. So we potentially could be seeing a whole new Chant represented from Tevinter, and I wonder how much blame they put on the South just like the Orlesians do for Tevinter.
Old God/Dragon Cults: Most of Tevinter was mainly set up on the faith of the Old Gods, and particularly, Dragons. Will we see some power that Dragons have been exposed to? Like maybe more about their blood?
If Tevinter is into the blood magic like we were told, we could be seeing some blood rituals with Dragons, like Dawn of the Seeker. Hopefully, that would be happening, and maybe get some background on the effects of that magical surge within the ritual.
Old Gods in general, i have a lot of questions regarding them, and actually a whole list, but honestly, if they mention anything about the Old god faith I will be satisfied because we haven't heard much about it. Just only through the Chant and other circumstances unknown through the Blight.
Astronomy: Thedas has two moons, one is named Satina, yet another isn’t named. Most of their astronomical terms come from the elven people. I wonder if we might see some more science/belief behind this in Tevinter. Do they relate to some sort of pull and myth belonging to the elvehn? Or are there going to be some plot holes remaining in two moons just suddenly added to the lore, and maybe even towards some Tevinter belief. I need to know, and hopefully, this might be answered...
Magic -
Obviously this subject is going to be a huge role for the next game 'hopefully'. Magisters are already becoming foreshadowed with Dorian's father giving the spot to Dorian. And even with the sudden arrival of Maevaris Talani. We might be seeing more of this type of action of how they play in the societal actions throughout Tevinter. I'm expecting something along the lines of a council/court that decides on daily tasks/goals for their empire...
Another part to take in note is experiments and secrets some of these Magisters might have, we know through Alexius that they were tedious of experimenting with time travel magic, but also in other experiments as well. They were devotion to their work, so I hope to see more of that in Tevinter, as that might hold some secrets about magic in general.
Blood Magic:
Of course, this is huge subject, let's talk about the expectations of blood magic. Blood Magic does have some sort of rise within Tevinter, and it highly discourage in public, but common practice in private.
Whether or not this is implemented, I believe this subject of rituals/magic in general will be explaining some plot points on how much power this magic in general receives. It's not really looked down upon in Tevinter because it is another tool to use for rituals, so I bet there's a ton of explanation going on for this type of magic most likely.
Black City Blight:
Now I'm regarding this as Fade magic, since the Black City is depicted to always be in the Fade. There's got to be some sort of indication of rituals done by the original seven Magisters performing this type of ritual to enter the fade physically.
Heck, I bet this experiment it planted on a wall of accomplishments Tevinter made. I mean, I actually hope it's not, but really it's quite astonishing to see such a ritual performed and maybe even documented how the experience went as well?
Will there be some leftover notes from the Magisters depicting the Black City? what does it look like? Where did they go? Who did they speak with? So many questions regarding that area as a whole. And hopefully we might find out more when we reach Tevinter.
As for the Blight, it would be amazing to see the origin of this corrupt epidemic and how it did start. About all of the Magisters rising within the Blight and maybe even studying it, that, would be amazing, and hopefully something we might be able to see and get answers from too...
Elvehn Magic/Mysteries:
As we know that some Magisters actually recover information from the elvhen society, like Danarius. We might actually be seeing a lot of that, and maybe even more. We know that Dorian does believe that there's alot to uncover from the elvehn (such as forgotten history, and eluvian pathways) But maybe we might be seeing past rituals that Arlathan did ages ago that Magisters have uncovered, but, I think we shall see a lot of Elvhen as a whole anyways.
Society -
Lower Class/Slavery:
In tevinter, we are probably going to see alot of systems of class within this empire. For instance, slave trading as we know, used to be the main part in Kirkwall, so there's a huge possibility we might see another city in Tevinter within the ranks of being that main source for slave trade, and it's many corruptions along with it.
As for the people who are slaves, I think we are going to expect some sort of rebellion? I don't think this is too far-fetched, but to maybe witness a successful slave rebellion would be pretty cool.
Lower class in general that would maybe stick out to me is the dwarves. Now they don't seem to be lower, but they are due to the lack of magic they have. Excpet for their high level of lyrium trade. Dwarves are know in Minrathous to have underground dwellings within Tevinter to trade, but I suspect there might be something going on below than we might believe...
We know the Qun is a huge part for Tevinter, as we know through the recent comics, they are taking over cities within Tevinter, and weakening the walls for Minrathous. As we know a little bit from Trespasser and Kirkwall, they will do anything to deny magic and control it. But it seems like this time the Qunari are coming with no mercy in their hands.
I believe we are going to see a lot of action about learning the specifics of the Qunlat, and their whole reign as a whole. Maybe we will get some Arishock action with Sten? Please? I would love that, and to maybe even see some sort of converters like Iron Bull mentioned would also be pretty epic and dark for Dragon Age in encover.
As for any other race or any other subject, most of those will be mentioned later on, I mean, I would love to go on a whole rant about Tevinter, but I'm going to keep this list and check it off when we get some content for DA4. So let's move on to another location that we might be anticipating:
What will we expect?
Pentaghast and Van Markham Dynasty:
While Pentaghast family are the main heirs to the throne. These two families have feuded and dealt with the Nevarran throne for ages. But the Van Markham family have also stood in nobility, due to ties with alliance from both families. But there seems to be a problem within the Nevarran throne as we saw in Inquisition -
In doing a war table mission, we know that the Venatori have infiltrated the throne and especially King Markus, who is the current king in Nevarra,
But in finishing the mission, you become an alliance with King Markus, and although an heirless king, the problem is that he really has no bloodline to carry on to and is getting to the point of no sanity to really rule. (preferably the title for a male so to say...)
One of the kings did have a daughter; but usually daughters are to be arranged in marriages to gain approval and alliance in Thedas. There has only been kings in Nevarra. But any other reign in the Pentaghast family isn't motivated to be King either -
Ferdinand Pentaghast: Has no real motivation to be king
Cassandra Pentaghast: Her parents tried to overthrow King Markus, and they were executed for betraying the throne. So she wouldn't really be a choice either.
Potentially, will we seeing a new family in the throne, and maybe seeing a new dynasty? Maybe even breaking the choice of just a King, but maybe a Queen? Nevarra might be dealing with that in the next Dragon Age.
The Mortalitasi are linked to the royal family by blood, and it is common for Nevarran nobility to employ members of this order as advisers. This order studies death extensively, and its members are known to experiment with what we know as necromancy.
It is not yet known if it is in the order's power to decide which corpse would have the honor to be preserved in the Grand Necropolis, a city preserved for the dead. And even though Mortalitasi are well-respected within the kingdom, mages outside Nevarra fear them and there are actual beliefs that they are a death cult performing macabre rituals in the Grand Necropolis.
Regarding this group, I suspect we will get some backstory for them, they seem pretty enigmatic, and I would love to see some action come into play for the next Dragon Age. The Mortalitasi know a lot about spirits, which, I'm inclined and hoping to hear more about that type of magic they use as a way of understanding about spirits too.
“The Empty Ones”:
"It is unknown what passed then, but over time, the Empty Ones grew to believe that the blight was to be the tool by with the Maker would end all of creation. They preached that it came from the Void, a place of nothing, and that returning to the Void was something to be celebrated because it meant an end to all pain and all suffering.
Some mistakenly take this to mean that the Empty Ones worshipped evil, but that is an oversimplification. The Empty Ones believed the world to be beyond redemption, and that it was the Maker's will that it be destroyed completely. There are tales of Empty Ones scouring the Deep Roads, searching for darkspawn, whom they saw as the blight's prophets in order to assist them in bringing about the next Blight." - Before Andrastianism: The Forgotten Faiths, by Sister Rondwyn of Tantervale
Now technically these 'Empty Ones' are supposedly vanished after the 2nd Blight, but I really hope this isn't the case. I mean the possibilities of them still being alive would be really cool. So, just a thought to put into perspective.
Orth: originally an old name for the people of the Anderfels, the name now refers to a group of people living in the Wandering Hills region of the Anderfels who practice facial scarification. Kind of like the dalish and their vallaslin.
The Orth people is something we will definitely be seeing in the Anderfels that I find super unique within Dragon Age, and I hope to see more of them hopefully in the upcoming Dragon Age. Maybe they have some sort of plot device as well for the future? Who knows!
Weisshaupt Fortress & Grey Wardens:
Okay, I mean, I feel like we totally need to see this fortress. It's been stated throughout the Dragon Age series and I would be dying tot see what this place legitimately looks like. Not mention, the whole plot with the Wardens does seem to amp-ted after Inquisition of them towards this Fortress, so it would only be fair to see that the Wardens have some sort of plot remaining in the future game.
Grey Wardens in general must know some more plot points remaining for the Blight. Someone in the Order needs to know the existence of these last Archdemons and figure out the reason behind all of the Blight epidemic. As well as the Calling, so I mean, this will totally expected for Dragon Age 4 in general I believe.
This would definitely tie in with the Grey Wardens and such, but I like to keep these separate since Griffons might have a whole new purpose coming soon.
I really hope to see these griffons out there existing in the next Dragon Age. I want to see more creatures in Dragon Age, and I mean if they could do that stuff with flying in Anthem, i bet it ain't hard for our protag to fly on a griffon! Just exciting and liberating flying on such a majestic beast!
As much as I would love to discuss other places like Antiva and Rivain, and even far beyond the borders of Thedas, I'm really suspecting just these areas that they will cover, and who knows, maybe I'll be wrong and they choose these types of places, which would be cool! I just think those places wouldn't have too much of a significant plot to base off of except maybe a Blight happening within those type of areas.
Despite that, let's talk a little bit about some plot regarding points we might be expecting:
What will we expect?
The Dread Wolf Rise -
Solas, particularly, the Dread Wolf is somehow going to be a significant role for the next Dragon Age title. Whatever and whichever that may mean, we all know that this mural does have some hidden plot points within it. Red Lyrium, strange idol, Blights, Dread Wolf against Solas, what does this all mean?
Obviously, this much of the mural in expect will be pretty much explained of maybe Solas' plan or destiny he is heading towards. Either way, Solas is going to be a huge plot, he's our big baddie, so I suspect we shall be seeing a lot of cinematic time for him regardless. Pretty much expected.
Ancient Elvhen/Evanuris:
In creating Trespasser, Patrick Weekes and John Epler really wanted to implement the Ancient Elvhen society that was once lost into this DLC. Why in particular? That might be because they want to bring it out further for the next game. I expect we will be discovering a lot of mysteries the Anicent Elvhen have been keeping in for such a long time. It's already foreshadowing in Inquisition, and no doubt it will be further explained in the next game.
Another part to take in note the a lot of elvhen gathering up for something, does this coincide with the Dread Wolf's plan? it is an annual Arlathvhen? What are they significantly doing? Does this now mean that all elves are skeptic? I think yes, and so I'm going to play as a dwarf. I'm just kidding, yall know Imma be that basic Thedosian goin for the elvhen love bruh. :P
Either way, I expect a lot more coverage on the Evanuris, I know there was a lot of coverage in Inquisition, but I just have a feeling there's a lot more to be covered? Like maybe in the Fade there's actual cinematics we might be experiencing from those past ages within Arlathan? Maybe seeing Mythal's betrayal? What did they do that's so bad for the Elvhen people? I mean, I need answers since I am thirsty for some elvhen lore. Just sayin BioWare, bring me some more elvhen lore plz k thx bye I go now...
Dwarven Mysteries/Titan:
Okay, we need more Titan stuff to be explained, and lyrium as well. There's so much plot holes regarding that Descent DLC, and I really hoping to expect some more explanation regarding Titans. What the heck are they? i got super confused and I think we as Dragon Age fans need some explaining here and there about them Titans, cause, they seem fishy to me. Maybe they might help plot wise? We shall see.
Dwarven society I believe also needs a lot more love, there hasn't really been too much within the Dragon Age franchise, and I really hope this next game they redeem that for this race. Because in my opinion, they are pretty interesting to see what they have behind this regarding lyrium their caste system and especially like I previous said - Titans!
Reference to the Inquisition:
Somewhat and Somehow, we might be seeing a lot of Inquisition hints here and there I suspect. I understand wholeheartedly, the Inquisitor is done, they said their goodbye's, if they can lawl.
I'm guessing there's going to be a lot of spies, double spies, and triple quadruple spies lingering all about Southern Thedas. Maybe we are one of them, maybe we're not, I just think that the Inquisition has got to have some remaining plot regarding towards Solas. It's just too hard to not expect that right? I sure hope I'm right.
New Protagonist:
If you haven't seen one of my recent podcast with jackdaw, we mostly delve inot new protagonists we might have for Dragon Age 4. I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested!
Basically, we got a new protagonist, and I'm pretty excited to see who we can be! what will we specialize in? What do we play as for a role in the setting? I cannot wait for the unexpected on this part to be honest. I don't expect any less with this character. I just hope they are freaking boss tbh!
Anyways, regardless of the plot points, I am super duper excited to see what we have in store and expect for this new Dragon Age game. I'ma little eager to say the least, and hence why I wrote/made a video on such an endeavor with all my thoughts jumbled together to explain that I cannot wait for such a game again.
I've been craving for a new Dragon Age game, and many can agree with me, so let's hope that BioWare gives us what is in store for this upcoming weekend.
Thanks for watching, if you have any expectations for the next Dragon Age game, what do you expect to see? I would love to hear and discuss with you all about it. Leave those comments below! If you wanna follow me on any other social media, check out my blog, or support me on Patreon, all of those links are down below as well. Again, thank you for reading/watching, and if you're new like and subscribe and become a Thedosian, I make BioWare content pretty much weekly. Well, see you guys in the next blog/video!