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Mythal's Im(mortality)

Writer's picture: SariaSaria


What I will begin to talk about, is the factor of people who understand the lore, and the common mistake they prove throughout the lore of Thedas. Two worlds that don’t coincide; meaning, the world that we once knew, versus the world that we play in, but they don’t relate to each other since they are drastically different. Adam & Eve vs. Fall of Humanity (Sin), like the pre-veil and post-veil, they don’t have relations or laws that make them related. But regardless, let’s delve deep into the meaning of Mythal and understand how she could be a potential antagonist in Dragon Age this whole time.

Who is Mythal?

Flemeth (Witch of the Wilds)

Flemeth tends to be conspicuous on ‘lending’ a hand to most of our protagonists throughout this game, which would bring someone to question her intentions; what is she ultimately planning? This is her definite tie to this reality that we play in, knowing that her plot remains nearby to consider into speculation.

The main core of the Elven Pantheon

What I mean by ‘core’, is that she basically sits side-by-side to Elgarnain, which, would render her whole existence for him, but maybe not, she represents more, and if we delve deeper into relations throughout other ‘mythological’ terms, Mythal has a purpose that can bring out some of the plots regarding future Dragon Age games.

Mythal’s Depiction, and Personality?

‘All-Mother’; She ‘protects’ her kind, whether it be race or all of Thedas.

The position ‘All-Mother’ would presume Mythal is predominantly female, or of course, ‘Goddess’ might be appropriate term to use, but she uses this feminine power to induce a lot of points throughout the lore, in which some can be interpreted.

Dragon (Totems and Constellation)

Mythal is depicted as a dragon, throughout codex, and in Dalish lore. Mythal is to be believed to be the constellation of Silentir, as it looks like a dragon in flight, or the Old God Dumat is often debated. In the Silent Grove, Yavanna explains the Blood of Calenhad the Great called to the Queen of Dragons, and woke her, I’m assuming Mythal.

She has something tied with the relation of Dragons, as is with Flemeth and is passing the knowledge of preserving the ‘blood of the world’. Eventually, I assume that she understands what it means to preserve things to the new Age.

Bad or Good (Justice or Vengeance?)

The personality of Mythal complexes me the most, due to dialogue between Morrigan and Solas debating the ‘type’ of goddess she is. Is she a condemning God? Or is she a peace-keeping God, and according to yolk, he says both can be interpreted.

So now that we know her identity, we can start speculating, but that’s where it gets messy in terms of two separate realities. But know it’s the factor of less information of how and what this previous reality, as we only know through egg-head’s depictions and following codex.


This is the main point I want to include, and some might be thinking “that doesn’t have to do much with Mythal”. Instead, this might make us understand the whole narrative of who she is and ‘what’ she does, produce. It’s ironic to see the vallaslin represented as her, and it also being the most style represented for a lavallen.

Tree also represents ‘The People’ and Mythal did care immensely for her own kind. It wasn’t about power of race, but more about sustaining the peace and livelihood of her world. She cared for her own People, and she knew what was best for them, but at times, power can get ahead of things.

Eventually, Mythal might have not just created Gods, or revered to believed as Gods; but elves might be her very essence of ‘children’. Solas was ‘born’ according to the ramblings of Cole during trespasser.

History of Mythal (if we coincide two realities)

Lover with Elgar’nan

and creating a family (Twins: Dirth, Falon, Andruil, Sylaise, & June)

As codex leads us to believe, Mythal is and was in love with Elgarnan, ‘born from the sea’ and to ‘calm his anger’ as she believes this is her own story that shows the lovely-hood of her character, her very essence is to be with her lover. Or as it seems throughout elven ‘legend’ and lore.


As Mythal literally represents the very characteristic of ‘protector of her People’. Or represented from Solas as a ‘voice of reason’, gives her the power to remain a trusted entity, but as it turns out, Mythal’s ‘gifts’ are bargained with a boon, or a ‘consequence’.

Truly like a demon according to many truths throughout Thedas of one bargaining knowledge from a demon, lead to abomination, especially with blood magic, but that’s another tale for later. She protected her People from knowing dangers of destroying the world, starting with Elgarnan destroying and sending the Sun ‘downward’ could be believed that the world would crumble due to that outcome of his own selfish anger towards his ‘Creator’.

Titans and Dragons must have a tie to the foundation of the world functioning correctly, but then again, is the world running correctly even back then? Or something far worse.


Now the most anticipated side to this part of Mythal is that she was, in fact, killed by her own kind. If you could compare, she does seem to be killed as being almost a ‘sacrifice’ due to her harmless behavior, like a Jesus Christ figure. But, evidently, this truly belongs to the factor that Mythal was betrayed by the People’s ‘lust for power’.

And in fact was potentially plotted from the Pantheon. And it seems to have wrought chaos throughout Arlathan, even to this new reality, and she seeks vengeance, even if it costs lives in the end to sort her punishment upon the Gods. Yet someone else was doing this in the works, who we all know, is Fen’Harel himself alongside her wrath.

5 plotters for Mythal’s death

Falon’Din (created wars in his own greed, Mythal rallies the Gods to stop him)

Andruil (Hunting Forbidden Ones/Titans; Mythal fights her as a serpent)

Dirthamin (His high priest took dragon form, Mythal lets Elgar’nan judge his treason)

Ghilan'nain (Created wings for Dirthamin’s sinner)

Elgar'nan (killed mythal, either by confusion or disgust)

Now this is where it is the most tinfoiley, but to be honest, it isn’t far fetched since is it confirmed it’s by the Gods, and that the Dread Wolf was never a part of the act of their murder of Mythal. They were bitter that she was and is powerful and decided to betray in the way it would impact her being the most vulnerable, when in love, that’s why I believe Elgar'nan kills her, like Andraste and Mafarath, and I will compare those two later on in the next video regarding Mythal.

Overall, Mythal does not die easily and leads on to live and linger in the new postveil world, a now ‘Tranquil’ world that doesn't fully comprehend the mysteries regarding ancient Arlathan, and now it leads into speculation that Mythal, is the one plotting to ending the world & go back to seek vengeance against the Pantheon before they even plot her own death. But that’s just my theory, and crazy speculations. Have any questions or comments, leave them below, and we can discuss them together, luckily, these type of videos is what I have always wanted to do, so please enjoy. Like and subscribe for more Dragon Age content like this, see you later in the next video.


Mythal, all-mother, protector of the People, watch over us, for the path we tread is perilous. Save us from the darkness, as you did before, and we will sing your name to the heavens” - Merrill

“The depiction of the constellation, however, is often debated. Some depict a dragon in flight... Some scholars believe these represented scales, which would point to this constellation being a supplantation of the elven Mythal” - A Study of Thedosian Astronomy by Sister Oran Petrarchius

“It was at this moment that Mythal walked out of the sea of the earth's tears and onto the land. She placed her hand on Elgar'nan's brow, and at her touch he grew calm and knew that his anger had led him astray.” - The Tale of Mythal's Touch, as told by Gisharel, Keeper of the Ralaferin clan of the Dalish elves

"Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!" - Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads

"The runes say the Evanuris fought the Titans. They mined their bodies for lyrium and... something else. It's not clear." - The Inquisitor


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