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Will The Elven Pantheon RETURN in Dragon Age?

Writer's picture: SariaSaria

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

The fable of the Evanuris depicts a lighter version of themselves, a time where any God who had the power and unlimited resources were known for their triumphs and not the whole truth. However, those will not be the stories we hear once they return, these Gods have been trapped for centuries, held for torment in their misdeeds.

Hello Thedosians and welcome back to my channel/blog:

There are many Evanuris with different tales and interpretations that confuse the circumstances surrounding Mythal's death, however, I am going to narrow down and focus on the main culprits in the pantheon who had a motive against Mythal, and may return once more, furious at Fen'Harel.

'If you split the Veil, wouldn't the false gods be freed?' — Inquisitor, Trespasser DLC

When visiting the Temple of Mythal, Morrigan and Solas only talk about two gods in the entire Pantheon: Falon'Din and Andruil.

'Falon'Din, overseer of funerals and the dead, I heard that the Dalish invoke him on their death bed, or in their quests in which they expect no return' — Morrigan

Solas stated that Falon'Din began wars to amass more slaves, and 'filled lakes as wide as oceans for those who wouldn't bow low to his shadow'. And 'Mythal rallied the gods once it stretched back his her own People, and he only surrendered when his brethren bloodied him in his own temple'

"I believe we are at the presence of the Elvhen goddess Andruil, Lady of the Hunt...I wonder if that is why Andruil's patron animal is the hare" — Morrigan

Andruil, made armors of the Void, hunting the Forgotten Ones in the thrill of the hunt. And brought back plagues, speaking about madness, things forgotten.

So Mythal spread rumors of a monstrous creature and took the form of a great serpent, waiting for Andruil at the base of a mountain. and stole her knowledge of how to find the Void. After this, the great hunter could never make her way back to the abyss, and peace returned. — Elven God Andruil

'They were fickle, they amassed wars against one another' — Solas

From both of these stories, these two Gods have every reason to feel hatred for Mythal because they were put in their place, because of that Andruil and Falon'din never forgave Mythal. Perhaps a motive to kill her and re-establish the Pantheon.

Abelas revealed that Mythal was slain by her own kin. Perhaps Andruil and Falon'Din were the very perpetrators, explaining why Solas speaks of them with deceit.

'You said that the Elvhen Gods went too far. What did they do they made you move against them?' — Inquisitor

'They killed Mythal, a crime for which an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment' — Solas

In Tevinter Nights Callback short story, we discovered the true meaning behind Solas' final mural in Skyhold's rotunda. The mural was left unfinished, barely sketched out as Solas left Skyhold before the battle with Corypheus.

Callback revealed the mural's final form: an outline of a beast stood over a stabbed dragon; two figures painted on either side of a pane of glass with confused forms. The beast is shown to be a horrifying wolf, having absorbed the dragon’s power, stood crooked over all.

“But here, unfinished, was the outline of a beast that stood over both dragon and sword. This was not the battle, or the victory. This was after. And the beast was not a dragon. The outline alone might have allowed that assumption, but now, filling with black and red, it was something other. The creature was reptilian, but also canine. The snout was blunted and toothy, but edges came to a point in houndlike ears. As the mass of plaster filled the shape, it began to rise, revealing scales and tail, and paws with talons. It looked like two figures painted on either side of a pane of glass, then viewed together, their forms confused. A wolf that had absorbed a dragon, and now stood crooked over all.” (Callback, Page 122).

This mural relates exactly to Solas absorbing an aspect of Mythal's power. This was always his intention, regardless of the orb's destruction. And with Mythal's power now invested since the end of Inquisition, Solas has risen as the Dread Wolf, to seek justice to those who betrayed Mythal:

'She was betrayed as I was betrayed, as the world was betrayed!' - Flemeth

Fen'Harel was seemingly in the front lines of meeting the Evanuris, he states that believe they exist but are certainly not gods. That is proven from the short story Felassan tells Briala in the Masked Empire:

"In the story, Fen'Harel was captured by the hunting goddess, Andruil. He had angered her by hunting the halla without her blessing, and she tied him to a tree and declared that he would have to serve in her bed for a year and a day to pay her back. But as she made camp that night, the dark god Anaris found them, and Anaris swore that he would kill Fen'Harel for crimes against the Forgotten Ones. Andruil and Anaris decided that they would duel for the right to claim Fen'Harel." —Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 319

Furthermore, in Trespasser, Fen'Harel was involved with the Evanuris, he freed the elvhen slaves and starting the slave rebellion against the Evanuris, and they claimed him as a rebel god.

So after Mythal's death, Solas then began a plan to stop their lust for power once and for all:

'Fen'Harel was clever. He went to each side and told them the other had forged a terrible weapon, a blade that would end the war.' — Merrill

Solas trapped both the Gods, by putting them in their respectful places, banishing them to their respected realms, where they lie in an eternity of torment.

'He sealed them both in their realms forever.' — Merrill

'And when they went too far, I formed the Veil and banished them forever' — Solas

'You banished the false Gods, you didn't kill them?' — Inquisitor

Therefore, we know that Fen'Harel was very clever in dueling between the Evanuris and the Forgotten Ones, he who knew their character and spirit, eventually betrayed their trust in him.

The veil's destruction will free the Evanuris from their shackles. With centuries of this world passing, surely the Evanuris will have planned their revenge against Fen'Harel once free from their prisons.

"Beware the forms of Fen'Harel! The Dread Wolf comes in humble guises, a wanderer who knows much of the People and their spirits. He will offer advice that seems fair but turns slowly to poison. Remember the price of treason, and keep in your heart the mercy of your gods." — The Treachery of the Wolf: Vir Dirthara

In Horror of Hormak from Tevinter Nights: Ghilannain's creations of monstrous beasts went beyond too far, her loophole was to use fluids that belonged in the 'deep-sea' to still create her own monsters and affect those around the mysterious substance and new forms of lyrium.

So whether or not this substance could be a weapon for or against Solas, would depend on his relationship with Ghilan'nain in the past.

In Fen'Harel and the Tree, Fen'Harel had angered Andruil by hunting the halla without her blessing.

We know in Dalish lore that Andruil granted Ghilan'nain out of her mortal form into a white halla, I think that Solas and Ghilan'nain did have a relationship/acquaintanceship with each other that angered Andruil.

Ghilan'nain was given a chance to ascend to an Evanuris, but only if she destroyed her untamed creations in 3 days because they were too untamed to remain with the People.

But only some remained because:

On the second day, she drowned the giants of the sea, except those in deep waters, for they were too well-wrought, and Pride stopped her hand. — The Ascension of Ghilan'nain

After this deed, she was made into a god and somehow these deep creatures still linger the land because of 'Pride' whom we know today as Solas preserved the creatures of the sea. Explaining the sea water substance in The Horror of Hormak.

This proves that Ghilan'nain's magic still lingers and exists in many undiscovered thaigs throughout the lands of Thedas today, Will Solas use these creatures in his scheme? Is that why he saved them?

Again that depends on the relationship between Solas and Ghilan'nain. If she opposes him, then both she, and her creations could rise against Solas for revenge once the Veil is torn.

'You saw Mythal did you not? The first of my People do not die so easily' — Solas

If the Evanuris return so would the Forgotten Ones:

'And the Forgotten Ones, that it was hidden in the abyss' — Merrill DA2

The Dread Wolf helped the Evanuris in their endless wars against the Forgotten Ones. Both sides of these false Gods believed he was one of them, and he tricked them all into finding a blade that would end their wars.

We know from a study in Kirkwall, that the Seekers of Truth created the 'Band of Three', who concluded that the Forbidden Ones and the Forgotten Ones were that same in nature. Tarohne's, one of the scholars, wrote in the journal that the Forbidden Ones were the first who must have taught the Imperium blood magic near 4:2 Black.

"The first of the magus cast themselves deep in the Fade in search of answers and power, always power. They found the forbidden ones—Xebenkeck, Imshael, Gaxkang the Unbound, and The Formless One. Many conversations were had and much of the fabric of the world revealed. And thus the magic of blood was born." — Tarohne's Book of Blood

Perhaps, the binding of the Forbidden Ones could be the same as the Forgotten Ones when the last of the Band of Three confuse with the Forgotten Ones being of the same kin:

We went to the center of it all. F. is dead and I am alone and injured. I must go back and put an end to it. The maddening thing is there is still no answer. But the Forgotten One, or demon or whatever it is, must be destroyed. I fear one may already be unbound. — The Enigma of Kirkwall

Like Imshael in the Masked Empire, the spirit already knows Felassan's plan, maybe he indulged in the feeling of the agent of Fen'Harel's 'choice' and wanted to see how it would end. Or maybe the Forgotten Ones and Forbidden Ones are just demons like the Band of Three conclude, and therefore are powerful in knowledge that has been forbidden/forgotten throughout the ages.

To conclude, if we do see the awakening of the Forgotten Ones, they will most likely belong somewhere in the Void, and maybe we will see something much more sinister with their plans, and maybe see why the Evanuris fought with them for so long. I doubt they also would forgive Fen'Harel...

Since the Evanuris will return, I believe their remnants must already grasp some remains of beings of Thedas. Just as similar as to when the Breach stirred the Titan, the Evanuris could be having the same effect as well. The Forgotten Ones speak much closer to what Solas believes at the end of his plan:

There are no gods. There is only the subject and the object, the actor and the acted upon. Those with the will to earn dominance over others gain title not by nature but by deed.

Let Andruil's bow crack, let June's fire grow cold. Let them build temples and lure the faithful with promises. Their pride will consume them, and I, forgotten, will claim the power of my own, apart from them until I strike in mastery. — Codex entry: Geldauran's Claim



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