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Turns Out Flemeth Was Lying To Us...

Writer's picture: SariaSaria

Ages ago, legend says Bann Conobar took to wife a beautiful young woman who harbored a secret talent for magic: Flemeth of Highever. And for a time they lived happily, until the arrival of a young poet, Osen, who captured the lady's heart with his verse.

They turned to the Chasind tribes for help and hid from Conobar's wrath in the Wilds, until word came to them that Conobar lay dying: His last wish was to see Flemeth's face one final time.

The lovers returned, but it was a trap. Conobar killed Osen, and imprisoned Flemeth in the highest tower of the castle. In grief and rage, Flemeth worked a spell to summon a spirit into this world to wreak vengeance upon her husband. Vengeance, she received, but not as she planned. The spirit took possession of her, turning Flemeth into an abomination. A twisted, maddened creature, she slaughtered Conobar and all his men, and fled back into the Wilds.

That vengeful entity is what we know as Mythal, the All-Mother of the Elvhen Pantheon from ancient Thedas. The Goddess of Justice, the best of the gods, clinging to Flemeth in order to exact her vengeance on those who betrayed her before the Veil was complete.

Now that you are up to speed on how Flemeth became who she is, it turns out she's been lying to us since the beginning. Here's why -

Descendant of Andraste

I believe it is vital for us to strive to discover her bloodline origins as part of my ongoing inquiry into Flemeth and other human tribes.

Now, I could tell you that Andraste is Flemeth because they have similar stories, but there's an issue. Because of her relationship with Andraste and the Maker, she isn't originally Flemeth. I cannot establish that the Maker is 'Mythal' or any other spirit. I blame Bioware for this because the developers decided to 'not' prove the Maker's existence.

It's a shame there are so many parallels... between the betrayal of men and the birth of daughters, speaking of daughters...

Andraste had two daughters, Ebris and Vivial.

‘Ebris partnered and had children young but was physically weak. She died of plague in her late twenties. Her daughter, Alli Vemar, married young, but died in an accident during a voyage to Denerim, ceasing an end to that part of Andraste’s bloodline.’ - World of Thedas Vol. 2

Unfortunately, Ebris' descendants do not exist in the end. They perish horribly, exactly as Andraste did... But,

“The younger daughter, Vivial, was more controversial: a strong-headed woman who defied her family by falling in love with a mage of Tevinter, Regulan. Vivial and Regulan went into self-imposed exile as the Exalted March began, and into hiding following Andraste's betrayal and murder. What became of Vivial and her descendants is largely unknown for one primary reason: she had only daughters. Each of those daughters only had daughters. They married into other families and took other names, and in the chaos of the Second Blight, all traces of survivors were lost… Andraste's true bloodline, if it exists, lies solely in the descendants of Vivial.”

So, according to the Chasind Wilders, Vivial is most likely a descendent of Flemeth, which explains why the Witches are her daughters. Who finds up in the Kokari Wilds plotting her next attack, which is to exact Mythal's justice, which she was denied when she was murdered.

This would explain why most of Flemeth's daughters already have Avvar's and Tevene's magical affinity. In any case, it seems strange to me that they would emphasize out Vivial's daughters exclusively had daughters. So it's no surprise that we can't trace many of her names because she eventually married into families, changing the name lineage across the ages. And now, finally, Flemeth; beginning her sorrowful narrative, and perhaps a little vengeance against men along the way...

Flemeth Speaks the Calling

It's no secret that Flemeth has plans for the Blight. After all, she's a big aid in Dragon Age: Origins. Allowing us to bring her daughter along on our quest to kill the Archdemon, only to have us end up using Morrigan for her dark ritual plot. Flemeth's schemes were all designed to profit her. But does she know what caused the Blight?

From my creepy secrets video, I mention that the Well of Sorrows voices backwards explains that Mythal speaks the Calling.

"She speaks...she's fallen...go to him (dirth)...the calling, the calling."

Of course, by themselves, the voices are extremely creepy, and it doesn't help when you can make out words from them.

Other players have sought to fill in the blanks claiming that the audio says "She is telling the truth. She's fallen, lost, Mythal, and Solas calling from behind, go to the altar "But it's indisputable that the audio is saying she's fallen, the calling, the calling.

If Flemeth was in charge of the calling, it would really shake up the Dragon Age series, including how the next game might play out. If a witch with an elvhen goddess spirit is truly behind a horrific Blight that has infected all of Thedas, the Wardens and Darkspawn may have some explaining to do.

Sadly, it is only a theory. But if we delve it into even deeper, it might explain why Flemeth truly needs the Old God souls.

Ever watched Harry Potter? Then you could see where I'm going: Flemeth/Mythal could be inviting the darkspawn to blight the Old Gods in order to reclaim her reign. Or, like Voldemort, Mythal's horcrux is the souls of the Old Gods. And who knows what else? Maybe Mythal possesses more horcruxes than just the Archdemons, but based on what we know about Morrigan, the dark ritual must have been practiced by Flemeth's daughters since the beginning of the Blights on Thedas.

Could possibly explain why Andraste was born so soon after the first Archdemon was slain. But who knows, this hypothesis is quite powerful, and I would not be shocked if Flemeth is entirely manipulating the Blight in order to reclaim Mythal's full power over the Evanuris, and I'm sure Solas is aware of this as well. Of course, how BioWare closes up the story for Dragon Age: DreadWolf is entirely up to them. Regardless, someone is behind the calling, and many fans have a feeling it's Mythal.

"So long as the music plays, we DANCE..."

— Flemeth DA:I

Controlling Heroes

Flemeth is recognized for assisting many heroes, yet few of them correspond to her 'living' time period. For example, she was 'born' in the Towers Age but aided people in the Divine Age....

For instance, she helped ‘Dane’ from the legend ‘Dane and the Werewolves. The legend tells about Dane chasing a rare white hart through a woodland, and after he killed it, a werewolf approached to demand money for the hart, which had been slain in his pack's woods. Surrounded by wolves, Dane had no alternative but to strike a deal in which the Werewolf would live as Dane and Dane would live as the Werewolf. 'A year and a day.'

Flemeth was engaged in this mythology, according to World of Thedas Vol. 2, but where? There is no codex record that describes how Flemeth is connected in this narrative. So let's perform a little fast math.

Hafter is said to be the son of this legendary Dane. Hafter fought in the Second Blight with the Alamarri, which is known to be in 1:40 Divine, hence I believe Hafter to be between the ages of 18 and 25, putting him born between 1:15 and 1:22 Divine. If Dane is his father, Dane would travel as far back into the Ancient timeframe as Andraste's lifespan... Flemeth would have been around 315 years old before her existence was documented in the Towers Age...

So if she lived through the Divine Age, it would mean that after every Blight, Flemeth could be controlling certain heroes in their tales and aiding them along the way, of course, for her own benefit.

According to the Stolen Throne, while fleeing Orlesian allies, Prince Maric and Loghain are captured by the Dalish, who hand them over to (Asha'bellanar) Flemeth. In exchange for leading them out of the Wilds, she requests that Maric make a promise to her that he may not share that knowledge with anyone. She also warns Maric that a Blight would strike Ferelden one day, (which we know as the 5th Blight) and gives him a cryptic warning regarding Loghain: "Keep him near, and he will betray you, each time worse than the last."

And in the Calling, which takes place fourteen years later, Flemeth's comments motivate Maric, now King of Ferelden, to join the Grey Wardens on their journey into the Deep Roads. Flemeth's comments motivate Maric, now King of Ferelden, to join the Grey Wardens on their journey into the Deep Roads fourteen years later. He eventually repeats her remarks to Loghain, who disagrees with them and suspects she is manipulating them.

And if you've played all three Dragon Age games, you'll know that Flemeth assists all of the protagonists throughout their stories. Whether it's offering guidance, as she seems to do, or saving us for a plan we don't yet know about.

And I somewhat agree with Loghain in that Flemeth must be influencing all of these heroes for her own ends. And those aims are of Mythal's, which brings us to the next following topic:

Morrigan's Danger

Throughout Dragon Age: Origins, Morrigan's suspicions about her mother prove to be valid. After all, it's been established that Flemeth is virtually immortal after the events of each game we play.

That's where Morrigan's danger comes in; Morrigan believes her mother Flemeth will possess her one day without her awareness. Morrigan obtained Flemeth's grimoire, which indicated that she extended her life by 'possessing' her daughters' bodies. Morrigan was opposed to this and planned to murder her before Flemeth could inhabit her body.

However, whether the Hero of Ferelden murdered Flemeth or not, she remained alive in Dragon Age 2. She transferred a little portion of herself inside an amulet, which Hawke then transported to Kirkwall.

"Just a piece, a small piece" — Flemeth

According to the comic Silent Grove, Yavana thought Flemeth's "possession" was a "gift," and Morrigan was foolish not to recognize this.

What Yavana was attempting to demonstrate was that Morrigan has many misconceptions about Flemeth that have proven to be completely false. Mythal is not a demon, but rather a powerful elven goddess, and to bestow this power is a gift - something Morrigan has been searching for since she left the Korcari Wilds.

While Morrigan rejects Flemeth's purpose for her, Flemeth's prior daughters have proved to be willing to inherit Mythal's power. So, unlike 'possession,' when a soul is stolen without an agreement, one must be willing to absorb Mythal's power.

'A soul is not forced upon the unwilling Morrigan, you were never in danger from me' — Flemeth

Even though we saw one Flemeth do something with/to Fen'Harel, we've also seen that Flemeth can stow away a piece of herself and smuggle it to safety as a backup plan in case someone fails to fulfill her plan of destruction, hence her effective use of mortality itself.

And, as much as I want to trust Flemeth in all she says and does, we know that, no matter what happens, Mythal appears to have gotten her way over the millennia since the Veil was established.

And until her mission has been fulfilled, however sinister that maybe, Mythal is making sure she has many variations of her essence to come out alive at the end of it all, whatever the cost.

And Morrigan, who can bore a kid that inherits Urthemiel's soul. And where Keiran prophecies she'd be the heir, awaiting the next era, whatever that may be...

So Morrigan's peril might potentially be her saving grace in the next Dragon Age game. And this portrayal of Mythal, the goddess of justice, reminds me of how true justice operates. Justice is served by playing the long game, and that has been shown throughout all of these games against any foe we've ever faced.

'She was betrayed, as I was betrayed, as the world was betrayed! Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me, and I will see her avenged!'

— Flemeth DA:I

But with that, we are going to wrap up, turns out Flemeth was really lying to us. Do you think Flemeth will be back in the next game? Tell me why in the comments down below, and if you don't comment, I will summon Flemeth underneath ur bed, or maybe you're into that....

Anyways, ty for watching, and I will see you in the next video.


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